The 68th Pioneer Harvest Fiesta event kicks off with a parade of antique, classic farm implements and more through Fort Scott’s historic downtown on Thursday, October 3rd at 6 PM.
After the kick-off parade – Experience the Pioneer Harvest Fiesta educational and historic exhibits, refreshments, and live musical entertainment all weekend.
October 4-6 – All three days are alive with Steam Engines, Blacksmiths, Food and Flea Market Vendors, Drag Saw Demonstrations, Tractors & Gas Engines on Display, Baker Fan Demonstrations, Tractor Pull, and a Garden Tractor Pull. Quilt Show, Straw Bailing, Wheat Thrashing, Corn Husking/Shelling, Sorghum Making Demonstration, Rock Crushing, Saw Mill Operation, Car Show, and many more exciting events! It’s one great weekend to kick off Fall in the 4-state’s region! It’s the 68th annual Pioneer Harvest Fiesta, at the Bourbon County Fairgrounds in Historic Fort Scott, Kansas.