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First Southern Baptist Church Family Life Center - October 25 @ 9:00 am - October 26 @ 6:30 pm

Friday, Saturday, Sunday – October 25-27

9 AM-6:30 PM Friday and Saturday, 1-6:30 PM Sunday

Explore the history of how we got the Bible in English!

Discover exhibits and lectures, see authentic artifacts spanning 5,000 years of history that support the validity of the Word.

History classes Friday and Saturday 10 AM & 5:30 PM, Sunday at 1 PM.

Exhibit presentation with curator John Sliffe daily at 1:30pm.

Authentic historical artifacts dating back 5,000 years from the Holy land, Middle East, and Asia Minor.

A full-scale Gutenberg printing press demonstration, printing copies of the original Gutenberg page.

This is a FREE, non-denominational event.

First Southern Baptist Church – Family Life Center – 1818 S. Main Street – Fort Scott, KS.